Archive for the ‘Computing’ Category

Veggie Vision TV

Friday, November 28th, 2008

I finally cashed in all my spare time credits and put this superb theme from to launch a new look for VeggieVision (a veggie oriented internet video station).

The project started many years ago, and hopefully it will have a chance to flourish and provide some interesting factual and gastronomic video for everyone.

If you get a moment, check it out, there are a lot of upgrades to make, but there will be regular competitions, and some interesting ideas, on how to cater for your veggie/vegan guest or come up with some new ideas.

Leopard (OS X 10.5) Apache, MySQL, Virtual hosts and MacPorts

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Even though I’ve had Leopard installed months ago, I just grew comfortable having all the apps and drivers I needed on my 10.4 machine. It wasn’t until this weekend where I took the leap to get things working.

Its been blogged quite extensively and was pretty straightforward (except for needing to use MacPorts to install gettext before being able to install vorbis-tools, then FLAC. I used MacPorts to download mySQL5 (as there wasn’t a PPC 64bit version available) – you have to get the 10.5 version of MacPorts (not available on the home page)


There are a few things you need to go through to get MySQL5 running with apache2. Once you’re up don’t forget to change your socks (its all talked bout in the links)

The biggest stumbling block was getting Port based Virtual Hosts functioning, and after scouring the same responses, I found the answer. I know a little more about apache now :)


Exploring the Future

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

I’ve been attending the future of web apps conference In London, a 2 day conference and expo, covering case studies, development  concepts and cutting edge startup web app sites.

For Ethical Junction, I think is essential if we’re going to support and innovate our services and provisions to our members and regular visitors, that we’re keeping abreast of current developments in the social media scene.

Its been extremely interesting so far, having heard from a variety of speakers including FaceBook, Digg and Mozilla, on various topics from technical developments on a very low level, to outlining pitfalls experienced on a first hand basis, giving those entering into new technical areas a roadmap. With a specific split between a development and business track, it’s keeping me very busy . . and my brain space is filling up fast.

On an exposure note, when i’ve spoken to different attendees about Ethical Junction, i’ve had genuine interest into our business model and what we do. The Open Rights Group

So far, i’ve been filled with so many ideas on how to expand knowledge of our members services to the UK and the world, utilising social media / social networking (flickr, twitter) concepts  behind it, I’m quite excited at the potential for Ethical Junction.

Great networking, and a whole day of workshops tomorrow.

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FOWA 2007 in a few hours

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

I’ve just driven down in the dark misty dead of night, into London. in 5 hours I have to be up to trek down to the East End for the much anticipated Future Of Web Apps Conference, some very cool people and knowledgeable/successful people from the digital world ..

On pure tangential note, Ethical Junction got into the Indy on Monday which was very cool too !

I need to zzzzzz.

Blogged with Flock

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Linux User PHP pics

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

I recently recorded the First UK PHP Conference, the audio is a nightmare to clean because of this HUGE hum on the tracks :(

Anyhow, some of the stills I took at the gig were published in an article for Issue 60 – April 2006 of Linux and User Developer and wirtten by Katherine and David Goodwin. (OUT NOW)

I wish the guys had asked for higer res images, as they used to blown up to A5 size with an image inset between them … they weren’t the best quality.

But hey good to see them printed :)

Cool Spore

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

I remember being totally addicted to this Atari ST (or was it the Beeb) game back in the 80’s called Eco – where you played a lifeorm during the stages of development, I think Spore is going to take it one step further.

I stubmbled across this blog entry which contained a detailed video presentation of the game on Kevin Burton’s Feed Blog

Ed: Its big news again as found on this morning (24th Mar 06)Spore at CNet

New Roadmap for osCommerce development

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

Jus been reading Harald Ponce de Leon’s blog and the outline for the new 3.0 alpha Roadmap for osCommerce. An interesting outline, it could be some time before the community get to see the revamped code. Some major upgrades are taking place it seems. Community Sponsors will be the only people able to test the alpha code.

osCommerce and SSL directory setup on PLESK servers

Monday, February 20th, 2006

Its taken me a while to figure this out. But the way to get this set up is:

1) symlink your httpsdocs folder to your httpdocs
2) chown the symlink to you user and folder group
3) touch a vhost_ssl.conf file
4) I used vi, but any editor will do, copy the contents of your vhost.conf data into the vhost_ssl.conf file

including the following:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.DOMAIN_NAME$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.DOMAIN_NAME [L,P]

…your contents from vhost.conf…

5) Change any reference of httpdocs in the line to httpsdocs

(this will ensure all openbase_dir and includes are handled correctly. The rewrite above will make sure that any https connection will rewrite non-https requestes to https requests.

6) Make the standard changes to your config files to enable and include https capability.

7) run

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng –reconfigure-vhost –vhost-name=DOMAIN_NAME

8) restart apache

9) you should be up and running.